Emily Chiang Chen Design
capsule website button fix .jpg

UX/UI Mobile Game

UX/UI Mobile App

Capsule - The mobile game for people who need help keeping track of their medication

Team Members - Emily Chen, Gabriel Contreras, Audrey Yik



Our target audience are people who forget to take their medication. Some people have a hard time remembering whether or not they took their medication. Sometimes this results in them double dosing or not take their medication for the day. This is why my team and I came up with Capsule, a mobile game that has a built in timer to encourage and remind users to take their medication. 

Flow Chart.jpg


During our wireframe process, we discussed and tested multiple variations on different ways our users will use the app. After discussion, we came up with our final wireframe shown below.  

fix these if possible please added few things.jpg

Final Wireframe

Final Prototype


Battle Preview