Emily Chiang Chen Design
5 lvl screens lvl 3 lifted.png

Capsule Game unlinked

Capsule Game

Story Board

Our group was presented with a problem where we needed to create a mobile app specifically for cancer patients. We decided to go towards a more playful route and designed a game that reminds patients to take their medication. 


We went through numerous of iterations that ranged from branding, how the game would look like, how it's played, what features should we include, etc. As a group we created wireframes and tested it out on ourselves and other people.

Process 2


These are our final 3 branding concepts that we came up with. We decided to go with the first one because the image of the pill capsule being opened and its contents spilling out, forming the shape of an electrocardiogram readout is relatableto the patients who are using our app.

Final Wireframe

This is our final wireframe for Capsule.

UX UI created by Gabriel Contreras

UX UI created by Gabriel Contreras

Testing out the wireframe

Final Game Animation

Emily Chen animated the battle scene

This projected was created by Emily Chen, Gabriel Contreras, and Audrey Yik

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